Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Just Ducky

Today marks yet another day of trying to be productive without making the course a complete mess. With all the rain we've received in the last week, mowing and projects have taken a back seat to those tasks that can be done without further damaging the course. We've survived two 100+ person shotgun tournaments since Saturday morning with little more than some superficial mud tracks, but the rain in the last two days has taken us past the point where we can mow without doing more harm than good.

Mowing is out for a day or two and projects have come to a complete halt. Trying to work with soil, leveling tees and making gardens around new tee signs, is a mess and hurts us more long term than leaving them until they dry out. That's never what anyone wants to hear but it's the cold hard fact of the matter. On the bright side, turf growth has slowed considerably in the last few days and it won't be out of control if we skip a mowing or two and , with any luck, it will dry up enough that we can get out there soon.

So, today we are working on repairing cart path washouts, edging bunkers, trimming trees along cart paths, repairing irrigation leaks, weedeating,and other odd jobs.

In the meantime, if you ask me how I'm doing, I'm "Just Ducky"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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