I head down to the GCSAA conference in Orlando this weekend for a week of education, trade show, and networking. If asked which of those three aspects I found most beneficial, I would have a hard time choosing between the education and the networking. Probably because I consider them to be strongly linked with of all the ideas that get passed along from these conversations, whether it's in a class, on the trade show floor, or over a beer at night.
While I'm gone, Bill and Dan will continue with our annual winter equipment maintenance to ensure our day to day operations and maintenance practices run flawlessly throughout the summer. This isn't always easy as some of our equipment is getting a little long in the tooth. As a 36 hole facility we have a fair amount of equipment and keeping up with replacements is a little tough when times are tight. They work hard at it and deserve a thank you when you see them in the summer.
Too date they have completed all 160 carts, maintenance vehicles, rough mowers and fairway mowers.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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