Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Every year brings changes and improvements to Chautauqua Golf Club. Some, like the newly paved entrance road or new tee signs and amenities, are immediately obvious and some go largely unnoticed. Things like mowing patterns, newly painted rain shelters, trimmed trees, or new stone on cart paths make the course more enjoyable to play and golfers notice that the course is nicer, but can't quite put their finger on why.

Two such changes this season will be new carpet and paint in the pro shop and new pin flags at the greens.

The carpet is being replaced for the first time in over a dozen years and should give a new and fresher look to Troy's pro shop. Troy will decide on the carpet and paint to be used and will be done by the end of February.

The pin flags have been updated to include the 100th anniversary logo and a new subtle argyle background. I like them and think they'll be a nice change.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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